New Headset: H10-30
Because of the current Corona measures, we can go and take flight lessons again, but we must use our personal equipment. That includes a headset.
I've been putting off buying one, to be honest. But now I had no choice.
I didn't take any risks and bought a David Clark H10-30. Which, according to David Clark, offers: Outstanding Value in a Proven Design
Since you pretty much see everyone using David Clark, I assumed it was a safe bet.
It set me back € 329,00. Including a carry bag and shipping. I bought it at "". Mind you, it hasn't actually arrived yet ...
So I'm waiting for my headset before I can go fly again!
More Corona Measures
There are more corona measures on the airfield, including:
- Airfield is closed to the public
- The bar is closed
- Pilot room only accesible for airfield commander
- All hangar doors remain open
- Mandatory personal equipment
- Mandatory gloves, mask, always disinfect the cockpit
- Local flights
- And some more
All reasonable, of course.