Flight 32: Flying High

Another flight doing circuits, some rust and some welcome remarks from my instructor.

Flight Facts

Date: 2 mar 2021, 16:00 (UTC)

Route: EBZH


  • METAR EBBL 031655Z AUTO 26003KT 9999 BKN110/// 14/06 Q1025 BLU=

Type: Touch and go

Flight time: 00:35


Apart from my short flight and single landing two days ago, I still have been on the ground for two months and it shows.

3 times I came in too high.

My instructor, who happened to be on the field, noticed, and gave me some tips on my last landing. Nothing I didn't know, but sometimes I need a trigger to apply it:

  • Extending the down-wind a bit
  • Slipping to lose more height

The first one was my plan in any case, but my instructor said to slip in a little. It's always a freaky thing to do, but very effective.

My last landing I landed quite nicely, with PLENTY of runway left in front of me.

After that, I met my instructor. He had two remarks:

  • Adjust your circuit next time if you are too high doing the usual
  • After take-off, make sure to not drift to the left. This I was doing too much

My plan for the next flight:

  • At least do one slipping manouvre every flight, so that I am used to it
  • Pay more attention to track after take-off (more right foot too)
  • Watch the height during the circuit

I think there were several reasons I was coming in too high consistently:

  • There wasn't a lot of wind, last time I had a good head-wind, this also means I lose less height over a similar ground distance
  • I was sometimes too high in the circuit and had to
  • I did not sufficiently adjusted my circuit the second approach
  • I was out of practice for 2 months

The flight was OK for the rest, there wasn't a lot of traffic. But even though I got some remarks, I was happy to get some tips from my instructor.

I do have to say, when I heard my instructor on the radio (not talking to me per se) I did get a little more nervous, like I was being judged. Maybe that affected my concentration a little.

I am happy I have some things to work on for next flight.

GPS Track

Running Costs

00:35 minutes of flying time: € 59,50